Want to write for us?

If you have an interesting story to tell and think  BB fits as the right platform to tell it, then write to us at team@businessbar.net with the subject ‘Guest_your name’ and enclose an excerpt of your idea within. We will be more than happy to raise a toast to your ‘guest-serving’ at the Bar.

Have a collaboration in mind?

If you are an organisation/fest/conference and think that our team can add value to your endeavour, please write to us at team@businessbar.net with the subject ‘Collaboration_event/org name’. We at BB would love to listen to how we can help make your ‘party’ better.

Feedback and Suggestions

In case there’s something you’d like us to know regarding the content on Business Bar, please shoot to us at team@businessbar.net with the subject ‘Feedback/Suggestion_your name’. You’ll find us ‘all-ears’!

Already sent a mail? We will revert back soon, till then keep sipping at BusinessBar!